Lead the way to better health

Friendly and motivated volunteers are needed to take part in the Walking for Health Scheme in North Somerset.
Countryside scene taken in North Somerset

Walking for Health is a national campaign to support people to get fitter and stay active. Health walk volunteers provide crucial support within the community by encouraging people to walk on a regular basis.


The scheme is looking for volunteers to support the programme. If you enjoy walking and you would like to encourage others to enjoy it too then please get in touch.

Training is provided and the next volunteer leaders training day will be held on Wednesday 7th September from 10am to 3pm at Churchill Leisure Centre, Churchill.

One volunteer who has been involved in the scheme for over ten years said: “It’s so rewarding and enjoyable. I am a lot fitter, more confident and I have made a great number of friends through Walking for Health."

If you are interested in being part of this thriving project and want to reserve a place on the training day or find out more email sport@n-somerset.gov.uk or call North Somerset Council’s Sports and Active Lifestyles team on 01275 882 731.