How the public would improve the NHS

Read about what the public would do to make the NHS better over the next 10 years!
Group of Healthwatch staff posing at a Healthwatch event

Responses showed that people wanted shorter waiting times, joined-up services which are person-centred, increased investment, better availability of home and community-based support, and the ability to be involved in decisions about their care and treatment.

The report also looks in more detail at cancer, learning disability and autism services in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG).

More than 600 local people shared their views as part of the Healthwatch What Would You Do? campaign in BNSSG which ran throughout April.

It was part of a national campaign co-ordinated by Healthwatch England as part of their work on the NHS Long Term Plan. What Would You Do? asked people to share their views on how extra money from the Government should be spent.

The public was asked to feedback on how local services could be improved and to share ideas about how the NHS can help people live healthier lives and take more control of their care.

We have relished this chance to work closely with Healthwatch England on their survey and were able to uncover some of the challenges faced by families and carers locally. We look forward to seeing their experiences inform how services develop.

Vicky Marriott, Operations Manager at Healthwatch North Somerset

Local people were clear that while some NHS services in Bristol and South Gloucestershire are working well, such as the cancer health and care services we spoke to people about, others, including those for people with a learning disability or autism, are in need of significant improvement.

This report provides a clear starting point based on the views and needs of local people for those improvements to be made as part of the local implementation of the NHS Long Term Plan and the additional funding from the government.

Alex Francis, Manager at Healthwatch Bristol and South Gloucestershire

Understanding what’s important to local people, voluntary organisations and staff is fundamental to helping us shape the future of health and care services. Over the coming months, we will continue to build on the Healthwatch findings to ensure our health and care plans for the next five years are reflective of local need.

On behalf of our Healthier Together partnership, I’d like to thank everyone for their contribution to this thorough and timely report.

Julia Ross, Joint Healthier Together Lead Executive and Chief Executive of Bristol, North Somerset South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group


Below you can download the two reports

Healthwatch report on NHS Long Term Plan
Executive summary report produced by Healthwatch B, NS & SG