Care Quality Commission on Oral Health in Care Homes

The CQC has complied a report with the aims of looking at some of the reasons why oral health is so poor in care homes and to understand some of the genuine challenges care staff face when trying to deliver mouth care.

The CQC are trying to provide care workers with useful and practical prompts you may use on inspection to assess the quality of residents mouth care. 

The CQC is aware that many residents have difficulty brushing their teeth due to poor manual dexterity, limited mobility, vision problems and cognitive difficulties, or may have long-term conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, MS, dementia which can make it harder to hold and use a toothbrush, and go for dental treatment. 

The Key recommendations in the report include

Adults who move into care homes have their mouth care needs assessed on admission.

Adults living in care homes have their mouth care needs recorded in their personal care plan.

Adults living in care homes are supported to clean their teeth twice a day and to carry out daily care for their dentures.

Care staff are advised to regularly check residents’ bedroom/ ensuite- are there actual signs of toothbrushes, toothpaste/denture care tablets and other oral hygiene products.


You can download a full copy of the CQC report below

Oral Health - CQC report

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