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    Weston General Hospital is due to be inspected by the CQC between January and March 2015.
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    The inspections – which are carried out by a mixture of inspectors, clinicians, and experts by experience – will assess whether the service overall is: safe, effective, caring, responsive to people’s needs and well-led.
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    Tell us about your care – Care Quality Commission announces new partnership with The Silver Line
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    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is today marking the launch of a new partnership with The Silver Line helpline to help reach out to even more elderly people who are cared for in their homes and in residential care.
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    NHS England have published an independent report into the future care of people with learning disabilities.
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    In the Care Quality Commissioning’s intelligent monitoring work, they use readily available national data sets for NHS GP practices relating to important areas of care.
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    The Care Act 2014 is a law bringing all previous bits of legislation related to social care together in one place, and to modernise or update the law where necessary.
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    Those who witness poor care being denied right to complain by NHS
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    Following their recent board meeting, the NHS Trust Development Authority (NHS TDA) has approved the next stage of Weston Area Health NHS Trust’s acquisition.
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    21% of patients in England can now access their medical record online
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    Health and adult social care must embrace complaints to help improve the services.
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    We enjoyed being out and about and speaking to so many people in Clevedon today
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    Now the number of patients being seen and treated in under four hours at Bristol Royal Infirmary’s A&E has fallen to 83 per cent. The hospital’s previous average was around 92 to 93 per cent.
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    Weston General Hospital is suffering under the effects of Norovirus, and two wards remain shut because an outbreak was discovered last week.
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    Healthwatch North Somerset welcomes outcome for patients in WSM
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    CQC Reports on the future of Graham Road Surgery and Clarence Park Surgery Weston-super-Mare
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    NHS England leaders say that the Long Term Plan could save up to 500,000 lives over the next ten years by focusing on prevention and early detection.
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    New plans to investigate rising emergency readmissons to hospitals announced in response to concerns raised by patients
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    Invitation to Join NSCP’s Patient and Public Involvement Group
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    Have your say at this public engagement event. We will present our plans for the future of our hospitals
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    Frequently Asked Questions answered from the Healthy Weston project
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    Understanding your rights when registering with your GP
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    From Healthwatch England:

    Feel in control of your healthcare with these four questions and make a decision that’s right for you.
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    Going Forward Together
    Have your say about our future changes.
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    The NHS has recently launched the NHS Apps Library.
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    Over 100 Healthwatch representatives from across the country came together to meet their MPs at an event in parliament last week.
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    IMPORTANT NEW proposals around healthcare and the Hospital in WSM
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    BBC reports young people in England are being targeted by the government in a bid to recruit thousands of more care workers.
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    From Healthwatch England:

    With 152 Healthwatch organisations across the country, we need to make good use of technology to help our teams connect and learn from each other.
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    From the BBC - Poor mental health among children and young people has been described as an epidemic and an “escalating crisis”.
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    The NHS are going to roll out lung cancer scanning trucks across the country
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    We are pleased to attach a copy of the 2018 WRES data report, which provides an overview of the data on all nine WRES indicators and makes comparisons to previous years’ data.
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    New research for CQC shows people in South West regret not raising concerns about their care – but those who do raise concerns see improvements
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    Health Matters events are free public talks hosted by consultants or senior managers on specialist areas of health, or on issues affecting our hospitals.
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    University Hospitals Southampton offer leadership development opportunity for aspiring leaders with disabilities.
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    North Bristol NHS Trust Equality Newsletter
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    Brexit: The implications for Health & Social Care
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    Please click below for an easy read version of the Healthy Weston Documentation.
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    Consultation on service Model for people with Learning Disabilities and behaviour that challenges
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    Did you know that BNSG has produced a list of frequently asked questions regarding the Healthy Weston Consultation?
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    Last year over 7,000 carers shared their experience of caring.
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    North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) is committed to providing outpatient services that are responsive to the needs of patients,
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    It is one of the biggest domestic policy issues of our times – where should the balance be struck between the individual and the state’s responsibility for paying for care in old age?
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    View are strategic priorities below
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    Coroners in England and Wales may be given new powers to investigate stillbirths, so that each baby death is independently assessed.
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    What Would You Do To Make The NHS Better?
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    A powerful film about a family dealing with an unexpected and devastating death will be shown in Clevedon in a partnership between the Curzon and Second Step mental health charity.
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    Anna Hayes from North Somerset People First will be giving insight into the experiences faced by people with learning disabilities at our Public Board meeting this afternoon (April 9th).