1. Report -

    Carers UK estimate that nationally 6.8 million people provide unpaid care for a disabled, seriously-ill or older person in the UK.
  2. News -

    The community bus, MAVIS, will be in Weston town centre on Friday (24 November) promoting the help available for unpaid carers in North Somerset.
  3. Advice and Information -

    It's always important to be registered with a GP - but it's particularly important if you're caring for someone vulnerable. If you're not registered, you may not get your COVID-19 vaccination at the right time.
  4. News -

    Are you an unpaid parent carer in North Somerset? Take part in our Forum on Thursday (February 25th) morning or next Thursday (March 4th) evening over Zoom. We need your views so we know about the support and help you might need in the future.
  5. News -

    People with learning disabilities are still at risk of dying unnecessarily and receive poorer care – 10 years on from the abuse suffered at Winterbourne View.
  6. News -

    Alive, a charity dedicated to improving the quality of life of older people and their carers, have published three booklets with the help of Healthwatch North Somerset to help those who struggle with technology access online services.
  7. Advice and Information -

    People with a learning disability may find it hard to know when they are unwell, or to tell someone about it. We've put together a checklist to help people with a learning disability and their carers make the most of their annual health check.
  8. Advice and Information -

    Preventing flu can be particularly important for people with a learning disability. Flu can lead to pneumonia and sepsis, which many people with a learning disability are much more vulnerable to than the general population.
  9. Report -

    Unpaid carers told us about the support and services they would like to see included in North Somerset Council's Carers Strategy 2021 - 2024. This report was co-produced with North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together and the Alzheimer's Society.