1. News -

    The phone lines at Castlewood are currently down.
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    A brand new advocacy service officially opens on the 1st April from Action for M.E. (South West)
  3. Advice and Information -

    We recommend community groups follow these guidelines and suggest people familiarise themselves with these tips to keep themselves safe too.
  4. Advice and Information -

    The Keep Safe website has put together a range of resources for people with learning difficulties.

    These include Easy Read guides about Coronavirus, information about how to stay safe, and ideas of things to do when you’re stuck at home.
  5. Advice and Information -

    Shielding letters have been sent out to those the Government consider extremely vulnerable. It contains information for them, family and their carers.
  6. Advice and Information -

    Use our new Healthwatch guides to help you get to grips with using health websites and apps. From Patient Access and NHS App to using Zoom, you can download and print our step-by-step guides.
  7. Advice and Information -

    If you or your loved one feels unsafe, at risk or unable to cope, a new crisis support phone service is now operating in North Somerset.
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    Pioneering technology to zap away excruciating headaches is to receive NHS England funding and could be prescribed to North Somerset patients soon.
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    A patient transport service for mental health patients in North Somerset has said they are making changes to how they record journeys – following an inadequate rating from the Quality Care Commission.
  10. Report -

    A new review has shown the risk of dying from Covid-19 is higher among Black and Asian Minority Ethnic Groups compared to white groups. Healthwatch awaits recommendations from these findings which will really benefit BAME staff and patients.
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    The new crisis centre planned for Weston-super-Mare has taken a step forward with a provider now being sought for the scheme.
  12. Report -

    Read our latest Annual Report for 2019/2020 - we expanded our geographical area and our staff team to make a difference to local health and care services. We take you through our highlights and achievements.
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    First Do No Harm is a report published last week of the Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review. Read more to learn more about the report, why it was commissioned and its findings.
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    A new 24/7 phoneline to help people cope with the pressures of Covid-19 and beyond has been launched for people in the Bristol, North Somerset and South Glos region.
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    People are being warned to be more vigilant with 53 coronavirus cases reported in the last week in North Somerset. This means it has the highest number of cases per 100,000 people in the South West of 25. The national average is 15.
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    Bladder and Bowel problems are not openly talked about and affect many people. Please help us to understand your needs, experiences and concerns by completing our survey. Closes 30th November.
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    Bladder and Bowel problems are not openly talked about and affect many people. Help us to understand your needs, experiences and concerns by completing our survey by November 30th 2020.
  18. Report -

    Here are the minutes of our first virtual AGM when we welcomed over 40 people to hear about our work and achievements over the last year. There is also a recording of the Zoom meeting held in October.
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    The new Covid-19 vaccine has been rolled out in Bristol today (December 8) – with the over 80s and care home staff first on the list to receive it.
  20. News -

    The Healthier Together Partnership has been officially recognised as an Integrated Care System as a group of 10 organisations working collaboratively to improve health and care across Bristol, North Somerset and South Glos.