1. Advice and Information -

    Four questions staff should ask you or a loved one about your oral health if you’re a care home resident, according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence quick guide.
  2. Report -

    One of the key issues that people in North Somerset discuss with Healthwatch North Somerset is difficulties experienced accessing NHS dental services, in particular in areas outside of Weston-super-Mare.
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    Healthwatch Bristol, Healthwatch North Somerset and Healthwatch South Gloucestershire have been gathering feedback about dental practice and treatment throughout the Coronavirus pandemic.
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    At our Prioritisation Panel you can hear first hand how Healthwatch uses your feedback to understand the city's key health issues and works to bring about resolutions to help everyone have better health and care.
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    Many dental practices are not updating their information on the NHS website. The Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England, and Healthwatch are urging dental contractors to review their profiles, to help patients find dental care more easily.
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    £50 million will be made available to the NHS in England to allow people suffering from oral pain, disease, and infection to get the care they need. £4,726,000 has been allocated to the South West.
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    Your feedback helps us influence positive change and encourages the improvement of local NHS health and social care services. Take a look at everything we've been up to throughout 2021/2022.
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    The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. Their latest report sets out the challenges the NHS and social care sector face: 'the health and care system is gridlocked, unable to operate effectively.'
  9. Advice and Information -

    NHS dental care has been massively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and it's been almost impossible to find an NHS dentist that's accepting new patients or doing emergency treatment.
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    Parliament's Health and Social Care Committee has launched an inquiry into dentistry following a survey that showed 90% of practices across the UK were not accepting new adult NHS patients.
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    Last year, 793 people shared their experiences of health and social care services with us. Our annual report sets out how your comments and concerns have had a real impact on local health and social care services.
  12. Advice and Information -

    Everyone has the right to make a complaint about any aspect of NHS care, treatment, or service. How you make a complaint about primary care services changed on 1 July 2023. Primary care includes GPs, pharmacies, dentists, and opticians.
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    Healthwatch England has warned that people need more confidence that the NHS can provide timely care as the winter period approaches. A third of adults in England lack confidence that they can access timely care, including GP services, mental health support and hospital care.
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    Our workplan sets out the areas of health and social care we will be looking at over the coming financial year. It also outlines the research we plan to carry out in order to help improve local services.
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    Access to NHS dental care continues to be one of the main issues we hear about from the public. The Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care System (ICS) has published a draft oral health and dental strategy for the next three years.
  16. Advice and Information -

    Everyone should be able to access good quality NHS dental services. Take a look at our top tips to help you get the most out of your next dental appointment.
  17. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence's (NICE) quick guide to discussing and planning support following a dementia diagnosis.
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    Carers are facing a loneliness “epidemic” according to new research revealed during Carers’ Week 2019 running until June 16.
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    Last year over 7,000 carers shared their experience of caring.
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    Personalisation is relatively new, is not fully understood and is of interest to the public. It is a social care approach in which every person who receives support, whether provided by statutory services or self-funded, has choice and control.
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    Carers UK estimate that nationally 6.8 million people provide unpaid care for a disabled, seriously-ill or older person in the UK.
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    Healthwatch have found that Carers in crisis are struggling to find any help.
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    There is a call for temporary foster carers across North Somerset during the Coronavirus pandemic
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    The community bus, MAVIS, will be in Weston town centre on Friday (24 November) promoting the help available for unpaid carers in North Somerset.
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    Unpaid carers in North Somerset can now access a FREE online service which makes it really easy for friends and family to form a virtual support circle and work together to help a loved one.
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    Joint work by North Somerset Council and Clinical Comissioning Group to support carers
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    North Somerset is one of nine areas in England to have secured funding for a two-year pilot project to help carers balance their caring role with paid employment.
  28. Advice and Information -

    It's always important to be registered with a GP - but it's particularly important if you're caring for someone vulnerable. If you're not registered, you may not get your COVID-19 vaccination at the right time.
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    Are you an unpaid parent carer in North Somerset? Take part in our Forum on Thursday (February 25th) morning or next Thursday (March 4th) evening over Zoom. We need your views so we know about the support and help you might need in the future.
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    People with learning disabilities are still at risk of dying unnecessarily and receive poorer care – 10 years on from the abuse suffered at Winterbourne View.
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    Alive, a charity dedicated to improving the quality of life of older people and their carers, have published three booklets with the help of Healthwatch North Somerset to help those who struggle with technology access online services.
  32. Advice and Information -

    People with a learning disability may find it hard to know when they are unwell, or to tell someone about it. We've put together a checklist to help people with a learning disability and their carers make the most of their annual health check.
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    Preventing flu can be particularly important for people with a learning disability. Flu can lead to pneumonia and sepsis, which many people with a learning disability are much more vulnerable to than the general population.
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    Unpaid carers told us about the support and services they would like to see included in North Somerset Council's Carers Strategy 2021 - 2024. This report was co-produced with North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together and the Alzheimer's Society.
  35. Advice and Information -

    A new directory of local and national resources to support people living with dementia, their carers, and their support networks has been put together by a team of experts. It covers often overlooked issues, such as emotional and wellbeing support.
  36. Report -

    People from diverse, often-unheard cultural backgrounds told us about their experiences of looking after a loved one. None considered themselves to be carers, and therefore were not receiving any support from local health and social care services.
  37. Advice and Information -

    Caring can be rewarding, but many carers need help at some point. Alliance Homes offers a range of support for carers in North Somerset, including groups and opportunities to meet other carers, and help with financial support and
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    We're looking to hear from people who are not currently receiving support from adult social care services. We'd like you to tell us what you know about social care and how you would like to be supported if and when needed. Your views will help North Somerset Council plan their future services.
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    What matters to you if and when you need help from social care services? Local people who don't currently receive any support told us about what's important to them, both now and when they need assistance in the future.
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    Use this Self-Report App to help Kings College London scientists understand Covid-19
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    Latest NHS Coronavirus Guidance | Over 30 Translations Now Available
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    Coronavirus FAQs on the right way to protect yourself and loved ones

    Information taken from gov.uk
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    Avon and Somerset Police have today advised us that there is a scam email over Covid19 tax refund
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    Coronavirus Support From Your Healthwatch Team
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    Neighbourhood Watch highlights 10 ways to protect yourself, your loved ones and your community in the event of an ourbreak:
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    Catch it.
    Bin it
    Kill it
  47. Advice and Information -

    Please do your bit by ensuring you go to the right place for medical care and reduce any unnecessary strain on the NHS. Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG have launched a campaign to help local A&E services, encouraging people to g
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    Take a look at this amazing list created by ‘Bristol Independent Businesses’ – it brings together community resources, Mutal Aid Groups and food delivery services that are available across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.