1. News -

    Practice Plus Group - NHS 111 South West, who have a contact centre in Bristol and answer NHS 111 calls from people across the South West, were found to be safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led by the Care Quality Commission.
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    GPs offer a range of health services, including advice about physical and mental health, treatment, and prescriptions for medicines. To register with a GP, you don't need a fixed address, proof of your immigration status, or identification.
  3. Report -

    Your feedback helps us influence positive change and encourages the improvement of local NHS health and social care services. Take a look at everything we've been up to throughout 2021/2022.
  4. Advice and Information -

    Learn about the NHS app, how to order prescriptions, view test results, book GP appointments, and access online consultations at one of our free digital skills workshops. You'll receive 1:1 support and be able to ask questions.
  5. Response -

    Thanks to people sharing their their feedback about Graham Road Surgery with us, we've helped the surgery identify the issues that are negatively affecting patients and make changes in order to improve the quality of care.
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    The Care Quality Commission found that Graham Road did not always provide care in a way that kept patients safe, and Horizon Health Centre did not have complete risk assessments or vaccination records for staff.
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    The GP Patient Survey is an England-wide survey, providing data about patients’ experiences of their GP practices. It asks about issues such as making an appointment, getting through to your GP practice on the phone, and access to online services.
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    The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. Their latest report sets out the challenges the NHS and social care sector face: 'the health and care system is gridlocked, unable to operate effectively.'
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    If you're a patient at either surgery, we'd like to hear about your experience. How easy is it to book an appointment? Are you happy with the care you've received? Let us know by completing our short survey.