1. News -

    Steve Thornton, whose experiences helped us form a survey about the support available for recovery from both addiction and mental health, said he was “pushed around the system for many years” before someone finally was able to help him.
  2. Advice and Information -

    It's always important to be registered with a GP - but it's particularly important if you're caring for someone vulnerable. If you're not registered, you may not get your COVID-19 vaccination at the right time.
  3. News -

    Joe has been "languishing on waiting lists and waiting for phonecalls" for over a year trying to get mental health support. We put him in touch with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service and he has now been able to see a psychiatrist.
  4. News -

    59.5% of all the coronavirus deaths between the 24th January and the 20th November 2020 were disabled people, the latest data from the Office for National Statistics has revealed.
  5. News -

    At our Prioritisation Panel you can hear first hand how Healthwatch uses your feedback to understand the city's key health issues and works to bring about resolutions to help everyone have better health and care.
  6. News -

    People who have learning disabilities or a mental health condition can have their vaccination experience made easier for them. Healthwatch and the local clinical commissioning group put on a webinar to explain extra support or help that's available.
  7. News -

    Are you an unpaid parent carer in North Somerset? Take part in our Forum on Thursday (February 25th) morning or next Thursday (March 4th) evening over Zoom. We need your views so we know about the support and help you might need in the future.
  8. News -

    Find out more about how to get on your GPs learning disability register to ensure you have the Covid-19 vaccine. Being on the register also means you should be invited to have an important health check-up to pick up any symptoms of illness.
  9. Advice and Information -

    One of our volunteers, Jemma Ballinger, says while it is great news that people on the learning disability register will be prioritised to have the vaccine, they will still often need a lot of reassurance and understanding to receive it.
  10. Blog -

    "Staff at Brockway Medical Centre made me feel what I was doing was important, not just for me but for everyone else," Julie tells us having her vaccine was a very uplifting experience and one she will cherish.
  11. News -

    Sayd Ahmed from North Somerset Bangladeshi Association has been on a mission to speak to all Asian households in the area to encourage them the Covid vaccine is safe. He told HW he spoke to 2,200 people and they all were in favour of having it.
  12. News -

    The pandemic has shown the importance of collaboration to help everyone get the care they need. This is the principle behind the new regional Integrated Care System, which began operating from today, April 1.
  13. Advice and Information -

    Radio presenter and Asperger's champion Alex Manners spoke to Healthwatch ahead of his talk organised by Bristol Autism Support tomorrow (April 7th). His tips for coping with the pressures of Covid-19? "Find a project and focus on the next few days."
  14. Report -

    Our latest report examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on community mental health services in North Somerset and makes recommendations for change to improve access to services.
  15. News -

    If you or a loved one has suffered a stroke, register for a free, monthly drop-in session to learn more about how to manage life after a stroke.
  16. News -

    Do you have a view on the proposed relocation of Graham Road Surgery in Weston-super-Mare? Join a series of workshops for patients and local residents to get involved in the design and development of services as part of the proposed relocation.
  17. News -

    The Weston Rugby Club is now the preferred site for the relocation of Graham Road Surgery. Have your say on the £3.2 million upgrade planned to create a modern new GP surgery for people living in the centre of Weston.
  18. Report -

    Healthwatch Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) are committed to putting people first. Our 'Decision making: policy and procedures for all staff, board and volunteers' sets how we do this.
  19. News -

    This Dementia Action Week 2021 (17 – 23 May), Portishead Dementia Friendly Communities are running a range of sessions for anyone who is interested in finding out more about dementia and the help available.
  20. News -

    Healthwatch North Somerset is delighted that our work with Bristol Health Partners on how easy it was for people to get help from bladder and bowel services during Covid-19 has been included in a national research portfolio.
  21. News -

    Shortages of staff at Weston Hospital could mean patients do not get the right care or treatment, a new report has found.
  22. News -

    Safe Haven Crisis Centre has opened its doors to provide a safe space for up to 12 people suffering severe emotional distress every evening. Healthwatch played a part to make the service as welcoming and appealing as possible.
  23. Advice and Information -

    Pharmacies offer a wealth of health and care services and popping in for advice might prevent the need to call 111 or visit your GP
  24. News -

    People with learning disabilities are still at risk of dying unnecessarily and receive poorer care – 10 years on from the abuse suffered at Winterbourne View.
  25. News -

    Safe Haven, a place for people in acute emotional distress, switched to providing remote support to people in distress during the COVID-19 pandemic. In March 2021, it opened its doors and was able to provide face-to-face support for those in need.
  26. Advice and Information -

    When you share your views with us, we ask for demographic information such as your gender, sexual orientation, age, and ethnicity. Here's why we collect this information, and what we use it for.
  27. News -

    75% of parents and young people told us they have concerns about their mental health and service provision. We heard that people had to "fight" for support and that services were "swamped, meaning no help was available."
  28. Report -

    In October 2019, Heathwatch South North Somerset became part of Healthwatch Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire. Find out how your feedback made a difference by downloading our 2019/2010 annual report.
  29. Report -

    From sharing your stories of shielding and isolating, to raising the issue of dual diagnosis, take a look at what we've been up to during 2020 and 2021.
  30. News -

    Stroke services in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire could be set to change as part of a public consultation on proposed improvements.
  31. Advice and Information -

    Digital appointments don't work for everyone. Many health care services have moved online, but you can still request a face-to-face appointment. Here's what you can expect from the NHS if you need to be seen in person.
  32. Advice and Information -

    Most of us will need support with our wellbeing at some point, but if you're struggling, it can be difficult to know where to go for advice. North Somerset Council have put together a booklet to ensure you can access the help you need.
  33. News -

    See how we work out the main health and care priorities for North Somerset from your feedback. Our meeting at 11:30am on August 10 is where we action your comments or concerns with providers to ensure what you tell us makes a difference.
  34. Report -

    Between the beginning of April and the end of June 2021, we received 103 pieces of feedback on a wide range of health and social care issues, including primary care services (e.g. GPs) and secondary care services (e.g. hospital services, CAMHs)
  35. Report -

    Everyone who represents Healthwatch Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire is expected to behave professionally and in support of our values These include being inclusive, transparent, non-judgemental, and independent.
  36. Report -

    The Finance Committee is responsible to the Management Board. The committee's role includes ensuring Healthwatch BSSNG operates appropriate financial and accounting policies, and assessing the financial performance of Healthwatch BNSSG.
  37. News -

    Alive, a charity dedicated to improving the quality of life of older people and their carers, have published three booklets with the help of Healthwatch North Somerset to help those who struggle with technology access online services.
  38. Report -

    On the August 10 2021, our Prioritisation Panel came together to discuss the health and social care issues you've raised, and what Healthwatch North Somerset can do to bring about change.
  39. Advice and Information -

    Many dental practices are not updating their information on the NHS website. The Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England, and Healthwatch are urging dental contractors to review their profiles, to help patients find dental care more easily.
  40. News -

    Over 35 million people are to be offered a free flu vaccine, including 50 - 64 year olds and all secondary school children up to year 11, in order to save lives and reduce the pressure on the NHS this winter.
  41. Advice and Information -

    People with a learning disability may find it hard to know when they are unwell, or to tell someone about it. We've put together a checklist to help people with a learning disability and their carers make the most of their annual health check.
  42. News -

    Posters with the most recent COVID-19 information and recommended steps to keep everyone safe and reduce the spread of the virus are have been translated into 12 different languages, including Somali, Polish, and Gujarati.
  43. News -

    More GP appointments, additional funding for NHS 111, and improved telephone systems will all make it easier for people to get the care they need. Measures to support GPs include the launch of a zero-tolerance campaign towards abuse of NHS staff.
  44. Advice and Information -

    Preventing flu can be particularly important for people with a learning disability. Flu can lead to pneumonia and sepsis, which many people with a learning disability are much more vulnerable to than the general population.
  45. News -

    In their annual 'State of Care' report - the first to cover a full year of the pandemic - the independent regulator has called for increased stability and collaboration across services, plus investment in 'new ways of working'.
  46. Advice and Information -

    The NHS sometimes uses jargon and acronyms that can be difficult to make sense of. We've found a selection of reliable resources that explain, in plain English, many of the terms that you may see used in NHS correspondence, online, or in the media.
  47. News -

    Sit in on the decision-making process and hear the results of the Clinical Commissioning Group's recent consultation on how to improve stroke services and save lives in the Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire area.
  48. News -

    The Care Quality Commission's inspection of Weston General Hospital in June left the independent regulator 'significantly concerned about the safe care and treatment of patients receiving medical care'.
  49. News -

    The Care Quality Commission undertook the inspection of Graham Road 'in response to intelligence to suggest there was emerging risk at this practice', which included patient feedback and reports from Healthwatch North Somerset.