Carers Trust Phoenix community outreach

Carers Trust Phoenix have launched their first Community Outreach Centre at Our Lady of Lourdes Hall: 28 Baytree Road, Weston-super-Mare BS22 8HQ. They run respite care sessions there every Tuesday and Friday.
nurse helping residents with activities

As well as providing refreshments, a meal and expert care, they deliver a number of activities including art workshops, plant-potting, chiropodist sessions, ‘Flexicise’ sessions, quizzes, bingo, skittles and more! They also hold special events where they invite carers to attend with their loved ones (for example, they are organising a performance by The Rainbow Singers on 30th August).

They currently care for clients with a range of care needs including those with physical disabilities, dementia and those who are elderly and suffering from social isolation.


Carers can benefit from a break from their caring role, whether this is to do some shopping, attend appointments or just have some ‘me’ time and the service provides a reliable, regular and flexible option for those seeking a break.

They are now working hard to launch another centre in Bath & North East Somerset / Radstock area. If you have any contacts in the area who would be interested to hear about or get involved with this service (regional offices, potential partners, potential clients, volunteers, venues, activity providers, caterers etc) please do get in touch with


A copy of their leaflet is available to download below. 

Carers Trust Phoenix - Community Outreach