Stop medicine waste in North Somerset

It’s predicted that wasting medicines costs £1.2 million a year in North Somerset, that’s equivalent to 75,000 GP appointments every year.
Graphic of two long thin tablets

Medicines Waste refers to medicines that are requested on prescriptions but then not used. Nationally, for every £25 spent on prescription medication, £1 is wasted – and the same is true in North Somerset.

The NHS pays for every medicine it dispenses, there is no such thing as a free prescription, and if it is not needed by the patient the NHS also pays for the medicines to be disposed of.

By talking and listening to the local community, GP’s, pharmacies and other healthcare professionals it’s clear how important it is that we tackle the issue of medicine waste, particularly at a time when locally and nationally the NHS system is facing major challenges to meet the demand for services within available resources.

North Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group Needs Your Help

Reducing medicines waste is a key focus for North Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) but it is not something they can do alone.

They need your help to stop medicines waste in North Somerset, reduce the spend, and get more from our local NHS.

They want to raise awareness among the public and need to get residents in North Somerset to:

  • Check what you already have at home before you order more.
  • Tell your doctor if you stop taking your medication.
  • Speak to your pharmacist if you are receiving medicines you don’t use.