Views on Drinking in Adolescence

We are inviting parents / primary caregivers with a child aged 13-18 years to take part.
Group of girls sitting in a row

Researchers at the University of Bristol are conducting a study to find out more about the views and attitudes of parents/ caregivers around their child’s alcohol use (the VIDA study). We are doing the study because understanding family factors that affect the way young people drink alcohol will help us to create and improve programmes to prevent harmful alcohol use among young people.

The study would involve one interview, of about an hour, with a researcher at a convenient time for you, where we would discuss your views and opinions about this. The interview will be confidential. Doing the interview is voluntary and you could stop at any time without giving a reason and without any consequence.

Payment: We would like to give every participant a £15 gift voucher as a thank you for taking part and will pay any travel costs.

Closing date:  31st October 2018

For more information please visit the website or contact Dr Georgie MacArthur

07773 644 811