Report - Central Ward Engagement Project

Healthwatch North Somerset’s statutory duty and function, which is laid out in The Health and Social Care Act 2012, is to provide a voice for people who use health and adult social care services.

Healthwatch North Somerset identified a small financial underspend from a previous year and determined that it be utilised in the Central Ward of Weston-super-Mare to undertake focused engagement work. The project aimed to determine any barriers to accessing health and social care services for residents in this deprived area of North Somerset.   This Engagement Project sought to collect information from local residents and community stakeholders about the health and wellbeing needs of the community. The Project took account of a needs assessment completed by North Somerset Council Public Health in early 2016


To read the full report download it below in PDF format. If you require it in another format please email us

Central Ward Engagement Project April 2016

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