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    Download an Easy Read version of our 'Have your say' form.
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    Our communications strategy for 2023 - 2024 sets out the purpose and goals of our communications. This includes how we use our various communication channels, including digital and face-to-face engagement, to achieve our vision and mission.
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    GPs, hospital services, and NHS dentistry were the three topics we heard most about from you in the first half of 2023. In total, we received 127 pieces of feedback.
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    Read the minutes of our July 12 2023 Prioritisation Panel, where we come together with our volunteers to discuss the health and social care issues you've raised and what we can do to bring about change.
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    The main purpose of our Prioritisation Panel meetings is to represent the voice of people living in living in the local area, and making positive changes to health and social care services.
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    Read the minutes of our September 27 2023 Prioritisation Panel, where we come together with our volunteers to discuss the health and social care issues you've raised and what we can do to bring about change.
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    Our 2023 AGM will take place between 11am and 12:30pm on Tuesday 14th November at John Wesley's New Room, 36 The Horsefair, Bristol BS1 3JE. Everyone is welcome.
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    Our 2022 Annual General Meeting was attended by our Trustees, staff, and members of our volunteer team. We discussed the work we'd done over the previous year and looked at how we can continue to be a voice for patients in the future.
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    In carrying out our functions as a statutory organisation we promise to ensure that the values of equality, diversity, equity and inclusion are embedded into everything we do. We are committed to creating the right culture, skills and priorities to ensure that no individual is discriminated against in the planning and delivery of any of our activities.
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    Read the minutes of our November 29 2023 Prioritisation Panel, where we come together with our volunteers to discuss the health and social care issues you've raised and what we can do to bring about change.
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    When working for Healthwatch BNSSG, Trustees, staff and volunteers will often need to have access to confidential information. This may include personal information about individuals, information about the internal business of Healthwatch, and confidential information or business about the health and care system.
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    Our engagement strategy sets out how and why we engage with the public; collaboration with other groups and organisations; what we do with your feedback; and our commitment to equalities research and working with 'least heard' communities.