Social Care and Support Guide

If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, the NHS website explains your options and where you can get support.
Graphic showing a man sitting down and a woman standing next to him

The website covers a lot of different support options that are available for you. On the main screen the options include

  • Introduction to care and support - which is a quick guide for people who have care or support needs and their carers.
  • Help from social services and charities - Includes helplines, needs assessments, advocacy and how to report abuse
  • Care services, equipment and care homes - Includes modifications to your own home, help at home from a paid carer, staying safe and housing questions. 
  • Money, work and benefits - How to pay for care and support and where you can get help with the costs
  • Care after a hospital stay - Includes hospital discharge and care afterwards
  • Support and benefits for Carers - Assessments, suppor from the council, respite care and help for young carers
  • Practical Tips - Includes advice on challenging behaviour, moving and lifting people and medicines
  • Caring for children and young people - services, support and tips if you care for someone under 21, and how to move onto adult social services. 
  • Making decisions for someone else - Includes information on power of attorney and mental capacity.