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    One of the key issues that people in North Somerset discuss with Healthwatch North Somerset is difficulties experienced accessing NHS dental services, in particular in areas outside of Weston-super-Mare.
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    Healthwatch Bristol, Healthwatch North Somerset and Healthwatch South Gloucestershire have been gathering feedback about dental practice and treatment throughout the Coronavirus pandemic.
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    Your feedback helps us influence positive change and encourages the improvement of local NHS health and social care services. Take a look at everything we've been up to throughout 2021/2022.
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    Last year, 793 people shared their experiences of health and social care services with us. Our annual report sets out how your comments and concerns have had a real impact on local health and social care services.
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    Our workplan sets out the areas of health and social care we will be looking at over the coming financial year. It also outlines the research we plan to carry out in order to help improve local services.
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    A new review has shown the risk of dying from Covid-19 is higher among Black and Asian Minority Ethnic Groups compared to white groups. Healthwatch awaits recommendations from these findings which will really benefit BAME staff and patients.
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    Read our latest Annual Report for 2019/2020 - we expanded our geographical area and our staff team to make a difference to local health and care services. We take you through our highlights and achievements.
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    Older and more vulnerable people have told Healthwatch how they coped with coronavirus with many admitting their mental health had suffered and they often felt lonely.
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    Our latest report examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on community mental health services in North Somerset and makes recommendations for change to improve access to services.
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    North Bristol NHS Trust asked us to carry out a survey with people attending A&E at Southmead Hospital. We found that the management of people's long-term conditions in the community needs to improve, to reduce some of the pressure on A&E.
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    Our collaborative research with Bristol Health Partners' Bladder and Bowel CONfidence Health Integration Team (BABCON HIT) found that one in three people who use bladder and bowel services had been affected by changes to these services during COVID.