1. Advice and Information -

    Do you have questions about what Healthwatch does? Want to know what we do with your feedback, or how you can help improve health and social care services? Watch our video to find out.
  2. News -

    Steve Thornton, whose experiences helped us form a survey about the support available for recovery from both addiction and mental health, said he was “pushed around the system for many years” before someone finally was able to help him.
  3. Report -

    Healthwatch Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) are committed to putting people first. Our 'Decision making: policy and procedures for all staff, board and volunteers' sets how we do this.
  4. Advice and Information -

    When you share your views with us, we ask for demographic information such as your gender, sexual orientation, age, and ethnicity. Here's why we collect this information, and what we use it for.
  5. Report -

    In October 2019, Heathwatch South North Somerset became part of Healthwatch Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire. Find out how your feedback made a difference by downloading our 2019/2010 annual report.
  6. Report -

    From sharing your stories of shielding and isolating, to raising the issue of dual diagnosis, take a look at what we've been up to during 2020 and 2021.
  7. News -

    See how we work out the main health and care priorities for North Somerset from your feedback. Our meeting at 11:30am on August 10 is where we action your comments or concerns with providers to ensure what you tell us makes a difference.
  8. Report -

    Between the beginning of April and the end of June 2021, we received 103 pieces of feedback on a wide range of health and social care issues, including primary care services (e.g. GPs) and secondary care services (e.g. hospital services, CAMHs)
  9. Report -

    Everyone who represents Healthwatch Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire is expected to behave professionally and in support of our values These include being inclusive, transparent, non-judgemental, and independent.
  10. Report -

    The Finance Committee is responsible to the Management Board. The committee's role includes ensuring Healthwatch BSSNG operates appropriate financial and accounting policies, and assessing the financial performance of Healthwatch BNSSG.
  11. Report -

    On the August 10 2021, our Prioritisation Panel came together to discuss the health and social care issues you've raised, and what Healthwatch North Somerset can do to bring about change.
  12. News -

    See how we work out the main health and care priorities for North Somerset from your feedback. Our meeting at 11:30am on November 16 is where we action your comments or concerns with providers to ensure what you tell us makes a difference.