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    This report summarises the feedback received by North Somerset residents regarding the Electronic Prescription Service EPS.
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    Last year, 793 people shared their experiences of health and social care services with us. Our annual report sets out how your comments and concerns have had a real impact on local health and social care services.
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    Our workplan sets out the areas of health and social care we will be looking at over the coming financial year. It also outlines the research we plan to carry out in order to help improve local services.
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    Weston Hospital CQC report was released on December 17th 2019.
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    The public’s views published on changes proposed for Weston Hospital in Healthy Weston consultation
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    Healthwatch North Somerset’s statutory duty and function, which is laid out in The Health and Social Care Act 2012, is to provide a voice for people who use health and adult social care services.
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    The hospital discharge process has become a topic that requires attention in North Somerset, and across the country.
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    To contribute to the special enquiry, Healthwatch North Somerset chose to seek the views of service users at a local drop in centre for the homeless and vulnerably housed.
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    Healthwatch North Somerset collects information from the general public about their experiences of local health and social care services. This information is shared with service providers, local commissioners and all other relevant bodies.
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    The state of care in NHS acute hospitals 2014 to 2016 presents findings from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) programme of NHS acute comprehensive inspections.
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    North Bristol NHS Trust asked us to carry out a survey with people attending A&E at Southmead Hospital. We found that the management of people's long-term conditions in the community needs to improve, to reduce some of the pressure on A&E.
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    Our workplan sets out the areas of health and social care we will be looking at over the coming financial year. It also outlines the research we plan to carry out in order to help improve local services.