1. News -

    NHS England leaders say that the Long Term Plan could save up to 500,000 lives over the next ten years by focusing on prevention and early detection.
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    CQC Reports on the future of Graham Road Surgery and Clarence Park Surgery Weston-super-Mare
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    Invitation to Join NSCP’s Patient and Public Involvement Group
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    Healthwatch North Somerset welcomes outcome for patients in WSM
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    Healthwatch North Somerset organises Patient Participation Group (PPG) Chair’s quarterly meeting
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    North Somerset Council wants to hear your views to make sure the best possible decisions are being made for local people.
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    Second Step: New mental health support plan for Bristol students
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    The Kings Fund: Home care in England: views from commissioners and providers
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    We enjoyed entering a wonderful rainbow world of fun and fiesta at Weston Pride and thanks to everyone who posed with our fluffy photo frame and told us their thoughts on health and social care - it WILL make a difference.
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    South Western Ambulance Service Foundation Trust are looking for new governors. Elections open in January 2019
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    Taken from BBC Health News Feed:

    An additional 3,591 women have not received information about NHS cervical cancer screening, it has emerged.
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    The Closure of Wrington GP Practice and the re-opening of Congresbury GP Practice
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    Bristol, North Somerset and Sough Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group announce you can now book evening and weekend appointments throughout GP practices.
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    First NHS cancer patient to begin treatment with state of the art proton beam therapy in Manchester
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    It was asked that the Clinical Commissioning Group and the Local Authority jointly submit a written statement to Ofsted following the Ofsted and CQC Inspection in North Somerset.
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    Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (BNSSG) Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) are running a series of consultation events to gather users views of the Health Care system in Weston-super-Mare.
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    Why can’t I get a prescription for an over-the-counter medicine?
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    Overall, men have a higher chance of heart attack than women, but certain risk factors such as smoking may close the gap between women and men.
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    Could a ‘red and processed meat tax’ save thousands of lives?
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    A study of more than 40 million births in the US found babies born to men aged 45 or older were more likely to be born prematurely, have a low birth weight and need intensive care after birth than babies with younger fathers.
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    The NHS say that aVegan diet ‘helps people better manage type 2 diabetes’
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    Young people, Parents, Carers and Professionals working together.
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    Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group ask "Do you have a story to tell?"
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    NHS leaders have confirmed today that specialist health support for veterans will be available in every part of the health service, across the country.
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    NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group invitation to participate in decisions about local services in Weston-super-Mare
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    The NHS say that women should leave at least year between pregnancies
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    Should the NHS become a lifestyle coach to tackle unhealthy living?
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    We want to hear about your experiences - whether having a baby had any effect on your mental health.
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    10 self-help tips to stop smoking
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    How much physical activity do adults aged 19 to 64 years old need to do to stay healthy?
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    NHS launch "The Eatwell Guide"
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    Change for life has some great tips on health snacking whether that’s for your children or the whole family.
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    Healthwatch workforce numbers fall by a fifth as report warns of ‘perilous’ state of funding
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    It’s Self Care Week and the Self Care Forum are hoping to reach as many people as possible to raise awareness about how we can better look after our own physical health and mental wellbeing, and that of our family members.
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    Opportunity to comment on Hospital Transport Hub plans
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    Fun ideas to help your kids stay healthy
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    North Somerset Community Learning has a number of training courses running over the next few months.
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    Evidence suggests there are five steps we can all take to improve our mental wellbeing.
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    Self Care Week 12th – 18th November 2018
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    Bristol Community Health and North Somerset Community Partnership Want to Collaborate with You on Community Health Services
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    Check NHS cancer, A&E, ops and mental health targets in your area
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    NHS to trial tech to cut missed appointments and save up to £20 million
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    New Information on Local Health Services in Weston
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    Take part in our national conversation.
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    The coming winter is likely to be even more difficult than the last for trusts, staff and patients, warns a new report from NHS Providers.
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    Public Health North Somerset announce today the launch of the Suicide Prevention Grant
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    Cossham Birth Centre temporary closure – letter from North Bristol Trust
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    University Hospital Bristol response to The Diversity Trust and local Healthwatch report, Trans health, care and wellbeing report April 2018
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    North Somerset Community Partnership Fund announces grant is open for applications.

    Opening Date:
    2nd October 2018
    Closing Date:
    2nd November 2018
    Maximum grant awarded: